Saturday, May 24, 2008


So this past Sunday was graduation from Cal State Fullerton! It was a memorable, fun, and festive day! What I really enjoyed is that I was just surrounded by all these people that I am loved by and that is a great feeling to have. I had most of my immediate family there (Dad, Mom, Daniel, and Grandma Pat), friends from elementary school/high school (Jennifer, Corazon, Heather, and Ralphie), Christy from my old church, and friends from the JAC team at my current church (Johnny, Dan, Justine, and Joe). I also got to sit next to some cool kids….next to Mark Pham, Luini, and Eric for the university ceremony…and then I got to sit next to Luini, Eric, James, and Kami for the college ceremony! It really was a great time…despite the crazy heat…lol. I also got to see 2 of my favorite Kinesiology professors and introduced them to my family and took pictures with them. There were a few other celebrations throughout the week with Intervarsity friends which was really good and had many congratulations from friends and family (THANKS!)…so yeah… Thank you everybody for sharing in my excitement and accomplishment of graduation from college! :-D

The Fam: Daniel, Mom, Dad, Grandma, and me

Elementary School/High School Friends! Jen, Cor, Ralphie, and me

Forever CC La Habra/Bay St.Louis Mississippi Buddy...and "sister"/roomate :) CHRISTY!

Newsong NOC: JAC!!! Joe, Dan, Johnny, Justine, and me

The whole gang at graduation :-D

Clay and mentor, supervisor,and professor...yeah! :-D

Wiersma: my professor and mentor!

Heather and me...friends from 4th grade in elementary down the street from each other, taking the bus together, and exploring the fun dirt streets of Hesperia together...and going to Fratelli's pizza for Heather's times :)

Mark Pham, Luini, and me...Go College of Health and Human Development!

Kami, James, and me...yeah for Kinesiology and Dorm Buddies!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Wednesday: "More Than Enough"

So this past Wednesday was a very busy and crazy day for me, but God just kept reminding me throughout the day of the theme of "More than Enough"...that God provides for me in more ways than I imagined and need! It was amazing :)

I started off the day with about 4 hours of sleep since I had stayed up late the night before and woke up early to study for an exam that I had at 9:30. This final was the one I was worried about the most, because it was an essay final and I was worried that I just wouldn't remember all the information that I needed to take the final. I asked my friend, Bonnie, on Tuesday night to just pray for me for enough rest, energy, and a good memory. Well, when I woke up on Wednesday, I felt that I had enough sleep and that I was awake and feeling good...and then when I took my exam, I was remembering things that I hadn't even written down to study off of, but it was information that I remembered from my class lectures that was important to put down for the exam! How amazing...God provided me with more than enough information for the exam!

Then I went from my exam, was home for a little bit to eat real quick, and then off to work. I was concerned about work also because Wednesday is our long day with the kids, and the majority of the time, I am with different kids because we do rotations and lead the same activity for the different groups. Well, I got to work and was provided with more than enough of a cappuchino drink, a cookie, and oreo cheesecake! I was still doing well with my energy...until I started getting tired...and then when that happened, some of the kids helped cheer me up by showing me their pictures, and that helped boost me up...more than enough again!

Later that day I went home and got to spend some time with the roomates, which was good because I haven't gotten the chance to do that in a while, it definitely could have been more time, but it was enough at that time! I was able to get some studying done at my apartment and then later I got to spend time with my friends Johnny and Joe and got to talk with Will and Rodrigo at their house...while I tried to study...but mostly just hung out, talked, and ate some delicious food! :-D

God is soo good and it was just very evident on Wednesday that when I was concerned about lack of sleep, my final, and work...that God was saying "I will provide for you, and I will provide more than enough for you because I am taking care of you and I love you!" Realizing God's love for me through things like this just gives me goosebumps and allows me to see the amazing God that I am blessed to serve!

Well....besides that, I am officially DONE now...I just finished my last final a couple of hours ago! I am going to a bonfire tonight with Intevarsity friends (it's a tradition of ours), and then running a half-marathon tomorrow (please pray that I'll be okay with the heat and lack of, and then graduating on Sunday! exciting.

Also, for Servant Partners...fundraising has been going well...I am at $1,545, so I have met my 1st deadline...and I am still waiting on family and friends to be helping me out financially...thank you to all of you that have been helping provide for me financially so far! :-D

Here are some prayer requests:
-I'm currently trying to figure out a summer job since I may not be able to work for the YMCA due to lack of kids that have signed up for camp and because of my schedule of taking 2 weeks off (1 week for Camp Titan and 1 week to visit my brother in Seattle) please be praying that God will provide a job for me!
-Prayer for my Servant Partners class...we are all currently fundraising and establishing a prayer team to be praying for each of us just prayer for everybody in their efforts with that!
-Pray for Mynamar and China! It's crazy stuff going on there...with the cyclone and earthquake...please pray that God is providing enough aid for the people there...even in Mynamar if they are not letting people in currently...that the government leaders' hearts will be softened and allow people to help out there!
-Prayer for when I will be looking for an apartment/house with my future Servant Partners roomates....and also for when I will be looking for a job in the LA area (as I have been kinda currently looking....that God will just open the right doors for me!)

Thanks so much everybody! Take care and BLESSINGS!!! <3

Oh...and a cute picture for your enjoyment:

Friday, May 9, 2008


Intevarsity (IV) Christian Fellowship has been a place of many things for me: learning more about this amazing man named Jesus Christ and falling in love with him, meeting some crazy people who have become my best friends, many a Campus By the Sea trips at Catalina that have impacted me in many ways, listening to amazing speakers, learning about relational reconciliations and pursuing that in my own life, learning about social justice and how much God cares about compassion and love for people and figuring that out in my own life, learning more about ethnic identity and the importance of embracing one's culture as well as understanding other cultures, and really just being in the midst of great friendships and great community. I have been so blessed with this group since my freshman year...I have been in joy and I have been challenged by God's word...and I have met God in so many ways.

Even though I will be graduating college in 1 week, I know that I will continue to keep my ties and friendships that I have found through this group, because of the impact it has had on my own life. I can't wait for all of the fun upcoming Alumni gatherings....and just a chance to give back to the community that has impacted my life in so many a ways!!! :-D <3

Our usual IV PROM :-D

My IV Small Group :)