Friday, June 27, 2008

Camp, Cypress, and Target Parking Lots

Camp Titan:  was amazing :-D  I had a really great time with the kids and staff and was able to take on a new role of supervising the kids and also my rescuers.  It was challenging at times...but I'm glad I got more experience in this type of role.  Some of the things I will miss most are all of the fun songs, the dressing up days, the random cute answers from the kids, running around the mess hall because somebody at my table didn't put a napkin on their lap, and the Camp Titan Beat clap! 

Cypress:  I just started working with the Boys and Girls Club in the city of Cypress.  It is fun so far...although I'm losing my voice pretty quickly.  It is different due to this area being a higher-income level...and I am used to working with families from a lower-income...but I know God has me in this specific place for a reason.

Target Parking Lots:  Just today after work on my way in to Target, I met a homeless man named Mel.  He asked for some change and I said I would get him some water when I came out.  I bought some sunblock (his face was quite sunblock helps!) for him, granola bars, and gatorade.  Then when I came out he was talking with his friend Robert.  It was soo great because Mel asked if I was Christian and when I said yes he told me about how he goes to 2 different churches...and he asked if I would pray with him.  How often do you hear that?  It was great.... I prayed with Robert and Mel, got to talk with them a bit, and then went over to KFC and bought them some dinner.  I didn't do really didn't take much time...but I know God placed me there for a reason and I felt so much of God's presence there and just that HE (GOD) was speaking through Robert with the many empowering words he had.  Mel and Robert have both struggled with heroine, and are also alcoholics.  Please please please be praying for them...that they will continue to go to church and seek Jesus with all their heart....and that they will become free of their addictions....and that they will start on the process to better their lives and get back into working and making things better for themselves (which they both expressed to me that they want).  Also..please pray for Marty (Mel's sister) who has been having difficulty with her vision....and also for Mel's ex-wife who just passed away recently due to an overdose.... and just for his family during this time of mourning and difficulty.  Please pray that God will be revealing Himself to their family and just comforting them through His love and their friends here on Earth.  

Mel said that I would walk away with a story after meeting and talking with him and Robert.  I feel like it's more than that, though...I feel like a piece of them is with me and just really affecting what I've been thinking about these past few hours and how much I really should be more thankful to God of the things I take for granted.  When Robert prayed, "We love you, God, even though we are here on the streets...", I could hear the tears and the sniffles....and the true presence of God in the midst of our prayer circle.  I need to love God a lot more in my times of difficulty, whether they are short or long term...and rely a lot more heavily on God!  Gosh, I was more blessed by them than they were by the little time and food that I provided for them.  Please be keeping them in your prayers!

-Obviously: Mel and Robert
-My upcoming trip to Seattle to visit my safety and kingdom conversations with my brother
-Job search in LA for Servant Partners
-Apartment search in South Central LA for Servant Partners
-My safety as they have been and are traveling to many places this summer 

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